• Fendi S128 posted an update 4 years ago  · 

    Cockerflock Competency – Why is It Important to Your Child’s Learning
    cockfight competence
    The most effective method of training a cockfighter is to give him an appropriate level of cockfighting competence and, at the same time, to teach him how to play the game well. This is not an easy task http://fendihandbags.org.uk/ as there are many different aspects of the game that any competent cockfighter will learn in his early days.

    The first step to proper training is learning the right type of fight. The best types are the fights between two wild hounds that fight one another for the possession of a single buck or an elk. This is one of the most popular and successful forms of cockfight as the stakes are low and the chances of winning small.

    The second aspect of cockfight competence is to make the cockcrawler understand that it is not a game. Instead, it is a dangerous sport and is considered to be a very good method of teaching the young ones about life. A proper understanding of this aspect of cockfighting will ensure that the young people will not try to imitate their elders as they would rather learn from them instead.

    Cockerflock is known for its intelligence and will not easily fall for simple tricks like using fake cocks. The young ones should also be taught the concept of being a “fox” rather than a “cock.” This will enable them to differentiate between friendly and enemy dogs and help them survive a difficult and violent environment.

    One should also know the importance of knowing the rules of the game. This will help the cockfighter in handling the animals as well as the other participants. Proper knowledge about these rules can enable him to know the difference between a friendly dog and an enemy dog without getting into trouble.

    The last but not the least, it is an important aspect of cockfight competence to ensure that the child learns to respect the animals in the arena. The presence of other cockfighters in the field will create some challenges for him in the future but proper training will make him comfortable and will also encourage him to respect and appreciate the animals in the process.

    Teaching your kid about the importance of respect, is a good way to prepare him in the future. He will be able to respect the animals in the field in a positive way and will also be able to respect the people and the judges if and when he grows up.

    It is also important to understand that cockfight competence is a skill and it is not a talent that can be learned overnight. It takes time and persistence to get the knack. and one has to keep practicing on a regular basis. to master the skill.

    Cockfight training should not be a burden or a source of stress or a source of anxiety. The children should be allowed to come into the field and should be encouraged to participate actively and to learn as they go along. This will also improve their skills and give them a sense of belonging.